Getting started on tvOS
The THEOplayer tvOS SDK can be used from within both a client-server app project (TVML) or a traditional app project.
A sample traditional app project is located at
THEOplayer v2.83.0 and above can be managed through Cocoapods. Refer to for more information.
- Download and install XCode.
- Obtain a THEOplayer tvOS SDK through the THEOplayer Developer Portal at
- And have the license string handy, as depicted in the screenshot below, because you'll need it when configuring your video player to swap out
- And have the license string handy, as depicted in the screenshot below, because you'll need it when configuring your video player to swap out
Getting started with a Client-Server App (TVML)
In the target's General tab, in the Embedded Binaries click (+) and select the THEOplayerSDK.framework
import THEOplayerSDK
Declare a player variable, pass the TVApplicationController instance, and a license
var playerConfig = THEOplayerConfiguration(
license: "your_license_string"
var theoplayer = THEOplayer(appController: appController, configuration: playerConfig) -
Position and size your player
theoplayer.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720)
Add the player to your controller's view hierarchy
theoplayer.addAsSubview(of: controller.view)
Getting started with a Traditional App
In the target's General tab, in the Embedded Binaries click (+) and select the THEOplayerSDK.framework
import THEOplayerSDK
Prepare THEOplayer before instantiating it with your view controller, e.g. in the AppDelegate's application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method.
THEOplayer.prepare(withFirstViewController: UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateInitialViewController())
Declare a player variable with a frame and a license
var playerConfig = THEOplayerConfiguration(
license: "your_license_string"
var theoplayer = THEOplayer(with: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720), configuration: playerConfig) -
Add the player to your controller's view hierarchy
theoplayer.addAsSubview(of: controller.view)
Controlling the player
Once a player is created and set in your view, you can start interacting with the player instance using the THEOplayer API.
Setting a source
Create a SourceDescription object and set the player's source
let source = SourceDescription(sources: TypedSource(src: "", type: "application/x-mpegurl"))
theoplayer.source = source
Add a player event listener
This example shows you how to listen to the player play event.
var playListener = theoplayer.addEventListener(type: PlayerEventTypes.PLAY, listener: handlePlayEvent)
func handlePlayEvent(event : PlayEvent) {
print("Received \(event.type) event at \(event.currentTime)")
Remove a player event listener
theoplayer.removeEventListener(type: PlayerEventTypes.PLAY, listener: playListener)